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AlterClinic Animal Care Trap Loan Program

Need to borrow a humane trap to TNR a community cat? We've got you covered!

AlterClinic Animal Care has a limited number of humane traps that can be out on loan at any given time. We recommend calling our clinic to check availability of humane traps before visiting the clinic to get a trap.


Important Information

  • Traps are loaned out for a 2-week period at a time

    • Due to high demand for our Trap Loan Program, extensions to this two-week period cannot be granted​

  • A $35 cash deposit is required to be loaned a trap

    • Deposits are returned in-full as long as traps are returned within the allotted time frame, in good condition, and appropriately cleaned and disinfected​

  • Traps are loaned for use in TNR only

    • AlterClinic Animal Care traps are to be used in the pursuit of trapping feral and community cats for TNR​

  • Community members borrowing traps must appropriately clean and disinfect traps prior to returning them​

  • Loans for traps are given on a first-come/first-serve basis

    • If no traps are in our inventory, community members requesting traps will be put on a wait list​

2302 Fulton Rd NW, Canton OH 44709  l  l   PH: 234-804-3064  FAX: 234-804-3053

A non-profit 501(c)(3) serving Northeast Ohio


Mission Statement:

The mission of AlterClinic Animal Care is to provide safe and affordable spay and neuter services to companion pets in our local and nearby communities, while offering limited and affordable wellness care. To reduce the suffering of unwanted animals.


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