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alterclinic animal care

Mailing Address
2302 Fulton Rd NW
Canton, Ohio 44709

Phone: 234-804-3064
Fax: 234-804-3053

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Owned Animal Surgery Admission
Cats.................................................7:30 am
Dogs................................................8:00 am
Public Hours
Monday - Friday.............9:00am - 3:00pm
AlterClinic Animal Care will be closed (phones off and doors locked) from 9:00AM to 10:00AM on the first Tuesday of every month for a monthly staff meeting.
Owned Animal Surgery Discharge
Dogs...............................................3:30 pm
Cats.................................................4:30 pm
TNR Drop-Offs
Monday - Thursday........7:30am - 3:00pm
Wellness Clinic
Tuesday - Saturday........9:00am - 3:00pm
Phones can be answered during public hours only. Please leave a message at other times.  We will return your call during public hours.
Thank you for understanding!

2302 Fulton Rd NW, Canton OH 44709  l  l   PH: 234-804-3064  FAX: 234-804-3053

A non-profit 501(c)(3) serving Northeast Ohio


Mission Statement:

The mission of AlterClinic Animal Care is to provide safe and affordable spay and neuter services to companion pets in our local and nearby communities, while offering limited and affordable wellness care. To reduce the suffering of unwanted animals.


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