Prior to arrival at the clinic for your appointment, please remember that your cat should have nothing to eat after midnight the night prior to surgery.
CATS are admitted at 7:30 am: Upon arrival, enter the clinic with your cat.
PLEASE be certain your cat is in a SECURE, hard sided carrier. DOUBLE CHECK that the door and sides are latched properly.
Cats must be in their own carrier.
Check in with staff. Doors open at 7:30 am
Complete provided paperwork if not already completed online.
Return at 4:30 pm to receive discharge instructions and to take your cat home.
Prior to arrival at the clinic for your appointment, please remember that your dog should have nothing to eat after midnight the night before surgery.
DOGS are admitted at 8:00 am:
Upon arrival, we ask that you take a moment with your dog and give them an opportunity to potty. Place your dog back in your car and, with no dog with you, enter the clinic and check in with staff.
Complete paperwork if not already completed online. Wait for staff to tell you when it is the right time for you to retrieve your dog for admission.
Bring your dog into clinic when asked to do so. Your dog will be met by a staff member and weighed.
Return at 3:30 pm to receive discharge instructions and to take your dog home.

Minimum trap size.
32L x 10W x 10H
Reservations for trapped cats can be made by calling
234-804-3064 anytime!
If the cat in a trap is not going to be returned to its natural habitat, is able to be safely handled and/or is going to be adopted, it does not qualify for our TNR program. Please make an appointment for these cats.
For your safety and our staff’s safety, ALL Community cats MUST be delivered in a humane trap to receive the discounted TNR pricing.
Public clients who come to us without reservations will be admitted on a first come first serve basis.
Community cats will have their ears tipped, no exceptions. This is a universal indication to other TNR participants that this cat has already been altered and that the cat, if trapped, should be released.
Community cats will also receive a rabies vaccination at no additional charge.
Surgery will be performed as soon as possible, dependent upon the time the animal arrives at the clinic and our surgery load.
Community cats will stay the night after their surgery in the clinic to give them time to rest and remain quiet. You may opt to pick up the same day if you have a warm safe place to keep them overnight and our surgery allows us to perform their surgery early enough.
They will have food and water provided, as well as be kept warm/cool, clean and dry.
Our staff will call you to let you know when to pick up trapped cat and taken to their natural habitat and released.
Current TNR pricing is
Community Cat Package - $46
Fees are subject to change without notice